Tuesday, August 28, 2012

THE WINNERS ARE-Drum roll please

Hello my dears the drawing has just been done.  Very scientifically.  Names written on a piece of paper, folded and put in a little tub.  See I told you it was scientific.  then I went to DH and said please draw two names so he  drew ---------
Introverted Art and Terry Daugherty. 
Congratulations young ladies.  I will try and contact you for the addresses.  Thanks so much for the comments  and I will have another drawing  soon.  I will find something to celebrate.  Even if it is first day of fall, the fur babies looked cute that day or some such even.
Thanks for stopping by and seeing what is going on in my world today.


  1. oh my gosh Annette!!!!! I am so excited. This is so beautiful and I never win anything!

  2. No problem Ana, well you can now say you have won. I will mail it tomorrow and then you can read a favorite book and use it. Hugs xoxo

  3. congratulations to the winners these bookmarks are awesome, x

  4. Participation is more important than winning!
    But,you must take the change...
    Nice artwork.

  5. Hi Annette! Do you sell these anywhere online? :) They're beautiful.

  6. You know i don't but fixin to open up an Etsy shop. So stay tuned. Thanks for asking and glad you like them my dear.

  7. Annette, I received the second envelope from you. What an amazing gift you gave me Annette. Really, full of love and wonderful vibes it came in that envelope... It got me all teary.


Thank you for browsing on my blog and taking the time to post. You know how we love the comments they mean a lot to me Hugs to all and thanks for being here. xo. I am sorry for right now I am having to monitor the comments, seems like a spammer has visited here. have a good day.