Alright I had said ugly things about our sky and weather the other day, I do hope Mother nature didn't mind to much but it was true and the sand in the air left for today. Maybe. That is another wonderful thing about West Texas, our weather changes almost hourly. So I was up day before yesterday as the sun rose. Now that may be front page news because I rarely see these phenomenons. I kid you not. Sometimes I think the world should not have to function til 10 A.M. Now I know a lot of you and hubby are early birds but I can be if I have to but 7:30 a.m. is early enough for this Texas gal. Well once while in my photography business I did get up, got ready and photographed a couple like at 7 A.M. Special duo to us but guess it was love for them also. When I helped hubs at the farm I got up early but not the happiest camper in the world but sometimes you have to do what you have to do. Now sometimes we would get up around 4 A.M. and move water lines but that was before our wonderful circle systems came into our life. YEA !!!!!

This is a sunrise out our back door, taken from inside of course. In the summer the tree is just to full to see it from this view. A Tequila sunrise possibly?
Same sunrise just a few steps over. It is funny how quickly sunrises and sunsets change as the clouds move and the earth twirls. All the pretty purples, reds and oranges in them. Lots of color here.
Now also yesterday it was close to sunset, that I see and am up and certainly chipper. Looking out the front window there were literaly hundreds, I kid you not, of Robins. Big, pretty and hungry Robins. We had run the water to settle all the dirt in the grass that had blown in during the dust storm. We stood and watched them flying in the air, filling one of our trees and covering the ground. I suppose after watering it washed something in the little trench between the concrete and the grass. We looked this morning and it is picked clean.
Now after watching them for a while, the movement of our bodies scared a lot of them off but just thought you would like to see some of the brave ones that stayed to dine. It was a grey day yesterday evening but you get the idea.
Their colors were really pretty and they cleaned out the little trench.
One more image of them. You know cameras and the fingers they just don't know when to stop.
One good thing about digital you can see what you photograph right now, but you know there is something to say about film. You compose the image correctly in your viewfinder, send it to the lab to print and get it back and you have a perfect photo. Not spending lots of time in front of the computer. Just my thought on that topic.
Now on to the art part of the blog. Now you know I have taking some FREE classes from Strathmore and Traci Bautista has been teaching it. Well this is the last week for her class sadly to say and just had to share my first Glam Girl. Talk about letting loose and having fun. That I did. Not sure what I am going to do with them but doens't matter at this stage in life does it? Just creative juices flowing and your muse let loose.
I started with one of the backgrounds I had done last week, I didn't care for it so thought what the hey if I mess it up I mess it up. I have painted in with some gesso I had tinted first and then glued some doodles on the background secondly. Just wanted you to see where I was going with this.
Here she is Glam Girl all doodled up. I did get carried away but my muse kept saying go with it girl. So I did.
There you go that is what is going on in my world right now. Thanks for stopping by and see you soon. xoxox