Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Down Fairy Lane

You know there are little sweet creatures that live in the gardens and woods.  Well, there could be if you let your imagination run just a little wild.  Pretty little things that flit in the air from flower to flower and possibly fly with the dragon flies and peep around the trees as you walk in the woods.  Now we aren't talking the woods where mosquitoes and flys, snakes and ants live, but the pretty things like butterflies and lady bugs and dragon flies and fairies.  It could happen you know.

I am taking a  little  traditional watercolor workshop off of  Monica Zuniga and it is a fun and fanciful way to paint flower ladies.  Well I let my muse go and this is what I came up with.  Now some of it does have a tad of acrylic on it and most is watercolor.  So thinking as I do sometimes I just let her be a fairy.  I have been playing with fairies in my art  for a while and they are fun. 

Here she is.  This is the third one I have done for the class.  Loved her wings. 

Don't know if we were suppose to do fairies but I don't think Monica would care.  I am a BIT rusty on my faces, but I think seeing thousands of them thru my camera viewfinder had bound to rub off on me. 

That is it for today, just had to share another new adventure with me.  I am loving just being an adventurer in art and seeing what is out there now. 

Thanks for stopping by and seeing what is going on in my world.  xo


  1. Annette she is so beautiful, you do wonderfully with watercolor, and I love the magical world you have put her in with the butterflies and bees and flowers , so sweet ! Big hugs to you.

  2. Beautiful picture and loving the gorgeous soft background and how you've integrated all the butterflies and insects. Have a great adventure Annette. xx

  3. Very sweet watercolor, Annette, and a lovely story to go with.

  4. thanks Netty, Jane and Jane. Yall are the best for stopping by and saying hi. Have a good day. Hugs back to ya.

  5. Now i understand....
    Soooo lovely,cngrts.


Thank you for browsing on my blog and taking the time to post. You know how we love the comments they mean a lot to me Hugs to all and thanks for being here. xo. I am sorry for right now I am having to monitor the comments, seems like a spammer has visited here. have a good day.