Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Memories and Little Miss Pink

Hello, we have been gone  on a little trip.  We are still celebrating our 50th anniversary.  Trying to celebrate all year.   Eldon keeps looking for the expiration date on the marriage license.  I have told him there is not one but he keeps looking.   Just a little game we play.  All  the time, while I co-pilot our steel stallion,  I was thinking of different things I wanted to blog about.  I certainly needed to write them down.  Do you think I did?  Probably not, but I was bound and determined to touch base and blog.   I certainly didn't want to forget how to do it.  

There are so many good things to remember as your days go by.  Even if nothing really happens that would shake the world, little things make up our lives.  There is a saying by Robert Brault-Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.  I like this saying and Robert Brault, I think, talks like me.  Scary isn't it ?

I found this painting of this pretty baby on the computer I had photographed and then painted. I thought now someone might enjoy looking at it as much as I did painting it.  My style, as it should, has changed but just wanted  you to enjoy it as much as I did. 

Here she is, Little Miss Pink. 

She was  first photographed by myself and then I painted her digitally.  Remember, not the push of a button trick but stroke by stroke.  Sometimes I like to do realistic and sometimes not. Guess it depends on my mood and how much chocolate I have eaten.  I do enjoy painting this type of painting for clients.  Just a feel good experience.

Thanks for stopping by and seeing what is happening in my world today. 


  1. I have no idea what digital painting is about and how you do it, but Annette this little girl is so pretty and well done, gorgeous work. xx

  2. She is so precious, Annette. And, you did such a beautiful job. Congrats on 50 years. I can't even contemplate that! Bravo!

  3. Have no idea about digi painting but am sure you have to have a steady hand........
    Your portrait is beautiful and loving the background colours. Annette x


Thank you for browsing on my blog and taking the time to post. You know how we love the comments they mean a lot to me Hugs to all and thanks for being here. xo. I am sorry for right now I am having to monitor the comments, seems like a spammer has visited here. have a good day.