Saturday, June 1, 2013

Little Butterfly

Have you ever thought about the flight of the Butterfly?  I mean they flit and flutter around our yards looking so beautiful with their wings opened so pretty.  When on a rock or landed they soak in the heat and so many beautiful patterns they have for us to view.  

I do know that they go from North America down to Mexico and beyond to spend the winter.   Man those little wings are tough aren't they? I really think they catch a wind current to help them along.  But pretty smart I do believe .   One time when we lived in Seminole I went out to the backyard and some Trumpet Vine we had, a story about that vine later, and it was covered and I mean covered in Monarch Butterflies.  It was so pretty with them covering the vine.   I guess it was a feeding stop for them going South for the Winter.   I just stood there and took in all the beauty of that many in one spot.  Our yard though, have to say myself, was beautiful like a non West Texas yard, a fairy land so to speak.  Of course it took several years and hard work to get it that way and we had the care of it down to a science.  But back to butterflies.

On creating my fairies, they have possessed me I think, this next one just started out like they do and then they just evolve.  Now I am not an orchid or purple person.  Nothing personal about it but just not one of my colors and I like creating with it when it calls to be done.   I created her first and then sometimes just close my eyes and grab a color so play with.  A little thing I do so I don't get to stuck on one color. 

My cousin Juanita had sent me a present and was wrapped in the prettiest butterfly paper and she sent more of it to me.  I was trying to figure out where this fairy was going and I looked down in my basket of larger papers and there it was.  The butterfly paper.   Now I know in movies you have seen when someone sees the thing and choirs sing and a spotlight come onto the subject.  Well it seemed to me that is what happened with the butterfly paper.   I know I am getting carried away here but hey I am dealing with fairies.   You know how they are.   So these butterflies flew across the big pond to Texas so to speak. 

My friend Bev from down under sent me some napkins a couple of years ago and there was one that had birdies on it.  So the paper and napkins got to play with my fairy.

Here she is, of course I had to do some other do dads on the paper and background but it is basically the butterfly paper and the birdie is part of a napkin with  some white ink on it. 
There you go and thanks for stopping by and seeing what is going on in my world today.  


  1. beautiful results. Annette x

  2. Hola Annette,
    Que hermoso trabajos de fantasia, trabajas con mucha imaginacion y los resultados son geniales.
    Saludos y acá me querdo conociendo tu blog
    Lorena de Chile y te dejo mi blog de pintura de fantasia

  3. I love her raven hair Annette. She is so beautiful.

  4. I love your drawing dear Annette, she is so beautiful and so is the background.
    Hugs Anni

  5. Another gorgeous fairy Annette - also love the bird in there! Great painting! Hugs D

  6. Another lovely fairy - also love the bird - nice work as always and a joy to look at. Hugs, D


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