Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Hello, now isn't that an odd little word?  Quirky?   I think this year's weather could fit under that category 100%.   Now here it is nearly and almost  Easter and still snowing in parts of the U.S.   Of course we know not to ever never ever plant anything like flowers and pretties like that until after Easter.  The mesquite trees have not put out yet around here so we know that NOPE  it is still winter.  They haven't been fooled since I have been alive.   Now we were a tad south yesterday and they had started putting out their bright little green buds but not many of them.  

You know we have seen it snow on Easter so nope no planting of anything YET !!!!!  Well I guess we could but don't like the thought of black curled up leaves on plants it is just not becoming to them.   So we will hold our hands and wait until MONDAY !!!! Then will go see what we have to have, need or want in the line of plants and force ourselves to purchase some of them.   Love doing that seeing all the pretty colors of Mother Nature and seeing what might survive the triple digit weather we have.   A tricky little dance we do isn't it?   The weather and Mother Nature and the sun or lack of it?

BUT there are other little things that can be quirky and quite cute and whimsical to see.  No really it is true.   I am not pulling your leg.   

I have just finished week 15 inspiration lesson on Life Book and Tammy's cute little animals are Quirky.  Or Quirkie as I think sometimes I write it.  Pretty cute little things and I did a couple of cards for Easter for the Grands, different than this one I did for my book.   I think the next ones I do will be even Quirkier?   I don't  know about y'all but sometimes the next or several next exercises in art I do get maybe not better but deeper in depth.   Make sense?  

So here are my Quirky/ie animals.  Hope you enjoy them. 

Of course I had to have a fairy in there.   Of course.
Thanks for stopping by and seeing what is going on in my Quirky world today.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Anna just fun to do ,no stress or anything lol

  2. Well that is just too cute!! We had a hard freeze night before last here. Easter Sunday always seems to be cold and rainy. I know that itch to buy plants--I sstill get it each spring even though I have no yard for planting and only a very small balcony on the upstairs conda=iit's the only place that gets any sun-

  3. This is really sweet, funny and different ...but still very recognizably yours :-) Really lovely Annette. Talking about quirky, I think 'pulling your legs' is quite a quirky saying :-)) Hugs xoxoxo

  4. Annette- love your quirkies! they are so sweet and adorable! And yes,very different for you- so glad you are showing another side to you- you amaze me ") big hugs and love!

  5. Quirky maybe...but oh so FUN and bright and just a feel good piece! Happy Easter!

  6. Hi Annette, did you get the photo of 'faeries' I sent to your e-mail address? Blessings

    1. HI girl nope if it was the email linked to this blog I don't ever check it. I am sure it is full of spam I am fixing to send you a card with my real email on it hugs and hugs

  7. Hi Annette,did you get the photo of 'faeries' that I sent to your e-mail address? Blessings

    1. Hi Lesley I will mail you my email hugs and thanks for touching base xoxox


Thank you for browsing on my blog and taking the time to post. You know how we love the comments they mean a lot to me Hugs to all and thanks for being here. xo. I am sorry for right now I am having to monitor the comments, seems like a spammer has visited here. have a good day.