Happy February by the way. Whew, where did the month of January go? Course that means closer to warmer weather for some of us and cooler weather for others. Pretty soon I'll be saying happy March, the month of wind blowing. HA !!!!! It blows all the time here, but that is the saying March winds so we will go with it.
Isn't it funny that sometimes what you look for is close to home? Now this instance I am talking about when Hubby and I went up to Yellowstone a few years ago and did see a few Elks. Wonderful looking animals and just pretty good size I must say and certainly larger than our fur babies that we have living with us. It was rutting season so we were certain not to get in their way just watch from afar. Not close enough to get any pictures, well if I would have had a super duper long lens, but I didn't so we just enjoyed watching all the animals. IT is so peaceful to watch them in their natural habitat. Now we did get close and I mean close to some giant Buffalo but that is another time.
On the road to the south of us we were tootling along and lo and behold what did we see ? Some Elk !!! Yes you read correctly Elk. We didn't even have to leave the state of Texas and there they were, a lot of them. The Elk were just grazing and doing what Elks do. Certainly surprised us and there we went off to other parts of the western states to see them.
Now here they are, I don't remember now how many there were but several more than I have here.
I guess this big guy wanted to pose for me. I was not the only one there who came to a screeching halt when we saw them.
I had to show this one, beautiful pose of this wonderful animal but also our landscape around here. It is I would say without a doubt flat as a pancake and the trees are the ones we plant around our home. It doesn't look like the Elk country I had thought they lived in. Now we have some Buffalo and Camels we found just recently living close by. I don't know but I would guess they were shipped in. I don't think they stumbled in here and thought ----Hey this is a great place to be I think I'll stay.
Yum yum hay . I wonder if it tastes like Shred of Wheat cereal. Now don't get me wrong I like the cereal but you wonder what hay tastes like. Or at least I do.
Now here we are fixin to test who is the strongest and lets butt heads a while. No wonder the antlers are broken here and there.
The call of the wild or whatever you call it when they make their noise the bellowing sound they make. It kind of makes chills go thru you.
Now on another subject the Life Book class I am taking besides the Strathmore class. I love these online classes you can do them when you want to do them and can wear your pj's if you want to and the computer doesn't care.
This page is for week whatever and we are making transfers of a photo of us and apply a reversed one. Now we were suppose to, I think , leave it the black and white but I just didn't like myself grayish. I thought I looked like one of the Greys that landed in Roswell. Actually I have about 6 of these under this one, flubs I think you call them. I think this piece of paper weighs a ton. I had to add a little color but did leave some of the grey. The paint is thinly applied and some lace. Everyone's art looked so different and is fun to see them. Any who this is me with my Goddess crown on. I really don't have one but was fun to do.
On Roses on my Table this month we are doing how we are unique and different. I just played and did this one. Really like Dr Seuss saying also and used some fun thingies around with some molding paste also.
There you go what is going on in my world today in February. Thanks for stopping by and see you next time xoxox