It is funny how circumstances happen and change your life and little things make your heart grow. This precious little fur baby came into our life late one night in October 2007. Our life was never the same when this little bundle of energy came into it. We enjoyed every second of her. We went to the vet the first time on May 12th and by May 22, 2014 this little bundle of fur and love died. A shock and to us both and she was so deep into our hearts. We know she is at the Rainbow Bridge waiting for us when we cross over to go to Heaven.
I do need to back up with my story though. Our Granddaughter moved with her family and was not able to take Jewel with her. They had given her to some people in their neighborhood and some how late one October night she wound up in a busy busy intersection some 20 miles from where she was suppose to be. Hummmmm I could almost think someone dropped her off. An Angel found her and rescued her from certain death and we received a call, thank goodness for dog tags and this is when this bundle of energy came into our life. When we would babysit our grandkids we always enjoyed watching this wiggle tail baby and entertain us the whole time.
There was not a day when we didn't laugh and be so entertained by her and her busy personality and wiggle tail and never never met a stranger. Now I could fill a book about her but just wanted to share a little about this sweet fur baby. I won't mention though the skunk incident, wow was that ever strong. Peppy la Pew really got she and sweet Libby good and we even let them in the house before we knew it. The tomato juice trick was not the helper in that experience but peroxide was the winner to get rid of that smell and good ole fresh air helped the inside of the house.

Here she is and is 11 years old here. We enjoyed this baby for about 7 years. She even got her weight down to where the vet was pleased. Not by her choice I promise you. If she had her way she could have eaten constantly. We bought food once for older dogs, wow did that ever pack on the weight for this little gal so back to the Lite bites for her. And Beggin Strips, don't know what is in them but they would go nuts for their little strip just before bed time. Lots of bouncing around.
You can tell there was some length to this little body and very seldom still. Always exploring and hunting. We had lots of excitement one morning---a rabbit got in the back yard. Oh my goodness things got pretty busy then but the rabbit was quick and escaped thru a tiny opening in the back gate. Every morning we would say where is the rabbit and action popped into the back yard. Hunting and sniffing for the rabbit.
Now when we got a new mattress, yearly, for her dog house we had to always slit it open so she could tuck herself in and get comfy. Sometimes totally covered and sometimes just the little black nose would stick out and the little doggie heating pad was on most of the time. Except when it was in the high 90's and 100's. Even after the new "dog house" aka sunroom was built she still had to have her covers. I mean it weighed nothing but it was a cover.

She loved to dig, guess that was the Beagle in her. This was the frog hole she dug and get the frog out for Libby to play with. They were a team. Jewel would do this with gophers in the back yard on the other side of the berms. I once told Grandson if you ever had to go in our back yard at night don't go past the berms. It was like the Grand Canyon back there. Every time it rained it stirred up the smells and off she would go to dig and dig. Sometimes her copartner Libby would stand guard and watch and Libby would even take turns to dig. Wasn't that sweet that Jewel shared the digging duties with Libby?
Libby with one of their frogs. Now we named her Libby, thanks to Carolyn's suggestion because we liberated her from the pound on November 2009. Lots of energy back then for Libby.
Here are the "Butterscotch Twins" just before they got their morning toothbrushes, AKA doggie chews. Now Libby is alone and not sure but you remember she is a rescue baby and we feel like she had been left alone all day and then fed and hopefully loved in the evenings. She is very timid and if you have anything in your hand, anything she cowers down and almost turns herself inside out so you won't see her. She and Jewel got along so well and hunted those gofers and rabbits together. She is doing better and I know misses her little friend also.
We did make a Christmas card with them and Santa. Well actually they were sitting there waiting for a chew and I popped Santa in there.
I do have to share this Granddaughter said she would love to come back as our dogs, not when they lived with her but when they live with us. Guess we do spoil them.
I did this painting of her the other day and had to include it with her story.

Our fur babies just love us unconditionally and just ask for love back. They don't care what we look like, what we wear, what we drive or where we live. They just love and want to please. I know several of you have lost your pets and I am so sorry but know they are waiting for us at the Rainbow Bridge. This is a beautiful poem and if you have time look it up and read it. It will do your heart good to know that our pets are waiting for us. A dear friend Dee told me in the dog world on the first clear night after they die to look up into the sky and the first bright star you see will be Jewel. We did see her in the sky. I know some say they don't have souls but I don't believe that and they are so perfect that they don't have to come back to earth and relive their lives. They are perfect in every way. In the past 7 years we have lost 3 fur babies and it is always hard. The joy the bring to us is wonderful and we miss them all so much.
Thanks for stopping by and seeing what is going on in our world. It has taken the "soup" out of us losing this baby and time does heal but sometimes your mojo just takes a while to get back to normal.