Monday, April 29, 2013

May Square and what ya been doing Annette?

What ya been doing Annette?   Oh my dears come and help anytime.  Spring yard work, you know the drill-we hurry to get started on the yard getting pretty for Spring.   Well this year Mother Nature is being strong willed with us.  I mean a freeze last week, the trees are ugly and anything that came up from last year is uglier.  Pure UGLIER.   So Mr. Graves and I ran to Lowes and got some spring plants to make the pots around the front pretty.  We even got the plants out of the "Tropical Hideaway" and they are really lush and green.  Now remember the "tropical hideaway is the back garage with heaters, baby monitor and smoke and fire alarms where when it is really cold the fur babies stay at night).   Well not the bougainvilleas they have to be in a protected area for a couple of weeks so the wind can beat the leaves to death and then we can put them on the patio.  Some of them are over 10 years old and really bloom pretty.   We use to have, I kid you not probably 100  plants but not any more.  We have cut down on the amount we save.  We did use to have a green house to put them in but that was then and this is now.    It is suppose to possibly freeze the end of the week but  we think we can make them all be safe and scrunch them together and put sheets over them.  Last late fall we did that, and it looked like sheet world on the patio. But then it turned super warm for several more weeks. 

Then the next step will be keeping the plants pretty during our toasty warm Summer and there we go into our seasons again.   Fall and Winter.  You know I wonder sometimes why we do this.  Are we into torture and hauling heavy plants around?   Thank goodness for dollys to help with that.  Nope we just like pretty around us.   Eldon put down 22 bags of fertilizer, I watched and the grass is getting pretty.   Now I do have to add that we have a 54 inch riding mower and a giant fertilizer spreader and Eldon takes about an hour to get it all down.  So  the fertilizer is  down so we can mow, I think I am getting a pattern here with yard work  not sure yet.  We are bone tired but love doing it---putting our stamp on the world so to speak.    usaually he mows the front and I edge the front and then I mow the back and he edges that back around the 13 trees we planted.   It  really isn't work to us, just something to do to keep us out of trouble. 

Now May is coming upon us so I did make a new block a couple of days ago for May.  Using  some of the pretty lace Leslie from the UK sent me.  : )

Here it is, this time I used some scrollies to fill in some spaces, I draw them all the time so why not?  I mean the little bee won't mind or the butterfly.  This is fun to make a block a month so I need to branch out some more and make the blocks  different and see where they take me.  I have so many pretty colors of fabric and laces. 
So there you go my readers.  I am sketching and playing in the art room  every day, I am thinking that is what is helping me grow in several areas of art.  Still searching and maybe when I am 100 or so I might find out where I am traveling to.  Who knows?
Thanks for stopping by and seeing what is going on in my world.


  1. You are obviously very busy Annette. I love your new block with all its pretty pieces. Hugs xx

    1. No not really Annette, we just put around this time of year and then it is over til Fall. yard wise. Just mowing and keeping neat. Not near as busy art wise as you my dear, i gotta catch up with you. xoxoxoxo

  2. I can see you are heading off to be the Grandma Moses of this generation. Your work is always so lovely. You should post a picture of your flowers. We still have some snow on the ground and even though it was almost 70 today, Thursday they say snow!
    Your quilting is awesome, just like you:)

  3. I can see you are heading off to be the Grandma Moses of this generation. Your work is always so lovely. You should post a picture of your flowers. We still have some snow on the ground and even though it was almost 70 today, Thursday they say snow!
    Your quilting is awesome, just like you:)

    1. Love you Nancy that is a sweet thing to say. Now if it is true how awesome would that be? I have started careers late so maybe so. Well today in the mid 90's and Thursday morning in the Panhandle light snow. go figure. xoxoxoxoxox

  4. Bello il tuo lavoro,brava Annette!
    Buona settimana!!

  5. The thing is , that being a creative person you really want to do it all...can't choose :-) But whatever you do it is always so beautiful don't choose :-) Btw shouldn't it be warm in Texas by now ?? xoxo

    1. Well yesterday was in the 90's and tomorrow morning or Friday morning in the 20's and slight chance of snow just above us. Yes it should be warm. LOL Yep I love trying to choose but it is very hard to do . Thanks though my dear xoxo

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks Anita, I will have to make one with your name on it. : )


Thank you for browsing on my blog and taking the time to post. You know how we love the comments they mean a lot to me Hugs to all and thanks for being here. xo. I am sorry for right now I am having to monitor the comments, seems like a spammer has visited here. have a good day.